Neighbourhood Behind the Bushes - Documentary Film (previously called “Kallavere, an Ethnographic Study”)
A documentary centered on Kallavere village, nestled amidst the Maardu city province, and its inhabitants from an ethnographic and observational standpoint.
Projekti eesmärk
The project aims to link local Estonian communities to international students and researchers, and help them integrate into broader cultural, historical and artistic perspectives. Apart from being integral to memory studies with an ethnographic approach, the project aims to be showcased in museums, art exhibits and several film festivals.
Projekti liikmed
Integreeritud kunst, muusika ja multimeedia (1)
Audiovisuaalne meedia (3)
Ristmeedia (1)
Külalisüliõpilane (1)
Antropoloogia (2)
Interdistsiplinaarsed humanitaarteadused - Artes Liberales (1)
Inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon (1)