Powering a better world: Educational game about electricity production and consumption
In cooperation with experts, we will create an educational game about electric power systems. The game will teach its players about the effects of making and consuming electricity on the environment and society.
Projekti eesmärk
This game will aim to offer a holistic overview of the electric power system, helping players understand the influence of their behavior on the system as a whole. It may also help players develop teamwork skills and learn more about the environmental footprint of electric systems, their impact on biodiversity, and so on. The specific focus will be decided upon based on ideas suggested by project participants.
Projekti liikmed
Kirjandus-, visuaalkultuuri ja filmiteooria (1)
Inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon (1)
Digitaalsed õpimängud (1)
Infotehnoloogia juhtimine (2)
Noorsootöö (1)
Haridusinnovatsiooni juhtimine (2)
Digitaalsed õpimängud (1)
Heaolu ja tervisekäitumine (2)
Informaatika (1)