Fandoms as a common transcultural language: Asian fandoms in Tallinn as a case study

The aim of this project is to firstly gain a better understanding of how fandoms can be a tool that eases and/or bridges the factor of cultural differences in the process of building relationships. Secondly, we aim to provide a fresh perspective on the role of fandoms as a transcultural language that is globally increasingly spoken. Finally, the project focuses on developing research instruments to understand the fandom driving mechanisms via stakeholder value creation. 

Projekti eesmärk

  • To understand multi-stakeholder networks in the context of fandoms by developing and validating research instruments
  • To systematically collect data and study the presence, reception and perception of Asian pop culture through fandoms in Tallinn fandom hot spots, and among the Tallinn University student community
  • To find out how fandoms can proactively contribute to the formation of connections between students from diverse cultural backgrounds
#Pop culture #fandom #cultural studies #asian culture #asian studies #kpop #anime #japanese culture #korean culture #manga #gaming #cosplay #anthropology #culture analysis #digital culture #sociology #fan studies

Projekti liikmed

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Digitaalsed õpimängud (1)
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Interdistsiplinaarsed humanitaarteadused - Artes Liberales (1)