Find Estonian in LIFE!

Everyone can learn some Estonian through taking photos, sharing what they think, and commenting on others’ photos taken in Estonia. What we need to do is to create an opportunity for them to participate in this language learning process.

Projekti eesmärk

  • to create a space for Estonian language learning and sharing.
  • to encourage people to notice and practice Estonian on a daily basis by taking photos of Estonian expressions.
  • to keep Estonian learners interested and motivated through their own contributions such as teaching and sharing.
  • to add more fun in the language learning process through participation of the language activity.
  • to collect suggestions on how to help Estonian learners to study Estonian in an easier and more interesting way, and contribute to language education and policy making.

Rühma liikmed

Inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon (2)
Keeleteadus ja keeletoimetamine (1)
Interdistsiplinaarsed humanitaarteadused - Artes Liberales (1)
Eesti filoloogia (1)
Matemaatika, majandusmatemaatika ja andmeanalüüs (1)
Group 1

Rühma materjalid