Beyond the Facade: Decrypting Pseudo Activism
"Beyond the Facade" is a transformative project through which students will explore the complex world of pseudo-activism, analyzing performative actions that mimic genuine engagement without creating substantive change. This project incorporates a filming component, allowing students to immerse themselves in role-playing these acts for their other fellow students in the project. By capturing audience reactions and gathering student self-reflections, it adds a dynamic dimension to the project, enabling us to interpret how the cause captures attention.
Projekti eesmärk
This project aims to unfold the complexities of pseudo activism by investigating various types and analyzing their impact. Students will develop skills in academic research, video production and media analysis. Additionally, it contributes to a broader PhD project on the transformative effect of activism, thereby linking the student-led exploration to a larger academic endeavor.
Projekti liikmed
Õigusteadus (1)
Poliitika ja valitsemine (1)
Psühholoogia (1)
Audiovisuaalne meedia (1)
Andragoogika (1)
Kehakultuur (1)
Riigiteadused (1)
Audiovisuaalne meedia (1)
Euroopa nüüdiskeeled ja kultuurid (1)
Sotsiaaltöö (1)
Reklaam ja suhtekorraldus (1)
Õigusteadus (1)
Projekti materjalid
- Group 1 Video
- Group 2 Video