Student Podcast Fall 2024

Students Conceptualize, Create, and Promote Podcast Episodes - Part of an Ongoing Series

Projekti eesmärk

The creation and dissemination of a podcast – focused on research, ideas, and activities that are important to current and prospective members of the TLU community, and other potential interested audiences. Over the course of the semester, the teams will create 1 episode on topic chosen by themselves, relying on the expertise present within the group and TLU at large.

Students will develop skills in research, academic writing, audio production, multi-media software, script writing, marketing, and team-based learning plus project management. 

#podcast #popular science #Media #Spotify

Projekti liikmed

Haridustehnoloogia (1)
Vene filoloogia (1)
Interdistsiplinaarsed humanitaarteadused - Artes Liberales (1)
Ristmeedia (1)
Võõrkeeleõpetaja (1)
Külalisüliõpilane (1)
Õigusteadus (1)
Andragoogika (1)
Vene filoloogia (1)
Ajakirjandus (1)
Rakendusinformaatika (1)
Audiovisuaalne meedia (1)
Poliitika ja valitsemine (1)
Psühholoogia (2)
Audiovisuaalne meedia (2)
Rakendusinformaatika (1)
Psühholoogia (1)
Inimese ja arvuti interaktsioon (1)
Õigusteadus (4)
Bioloogia (kõrvalerialaga) (1)

Lisainfo viitamise ja õiguste kohta

When referencing project outcomes, the APA7 citation system is used.
If a work has more than 20 authors, the names of the first 19 authors are listed, followed by an ellipsis (...), and then the name of the final author. If there are fewer than 20 authors, the names of all authors are listed.