Analysis and Development of Educational Chatbots

The primary objective of this project is to conduct an analysis of various chatbot development software and develop a educational chatbot that cater to the diverse needs of students in higher education. Students will be actively involved in the process, gaining experience in evaluating, selecting, and implementing chatbot solutions.

The aim of the project

The main aim is to undertake an exploration of various chatbot development software, leading to the creation of educational chatbots finely tuned to meet the diverse needs of higher education students. Actively involving students throughout the process, the project focuses on providing practical experience in the assessment, selection, and implementation of chatbot solutions.

#educational chatbots #design #development

Project members

Applied Computer Science (1)
Human Rights in the Digital Society (3)
Law (1)
Adult Education (2)
Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies (1)
Adult Education (3)
Politics and Governance (1)
Human-Computer Interaction (1)
Digital Learning Games (1)