What is LIFE?
LIFE is a university-wide project-based course, which is compulsory for all Bachelor level students and one of three options for Master level students.
LIFE is a study course where students from different study areas collaborate with academics to carry out projects focusing on interdisciplinary problems of their own interest. LIFE course is assessed on a non-differentiated assessment scale and has a course volume of 6 ECTS (=156 hours). Work is carried out in teams that consist of 6 students, including students from at least three different study areas.

The main objective of LIFE is to support the development of general competences and teamwork skills, which would foster the development of the competence of resolving interdisciplinary problems. Taking the deeper purpose of problem-based teaching and learning as the basis, LIFE course teaches students self-management, application of knowledge and lifelong learning skills.
The recommended time for taking the LIFE course is outlined in students' nominal plan of studies (familiarize with the nominal distribution of studies on your institute's webpage or contact your study counsellor). You can take the course during any other semester that is more suitable, but preferably not in the first semester of Bachelor’s studies). NB! If possible, please do not leave the LIFE course on the last semester!
Before the beginning of each semester (the exact time is specified in the academic calendar), LIFE projects are published on LIFE website so that students can get acquainted with them. This means that students can read project descriptions and use them to find out which project he/she would like to join. To get a more detailed overview of the project description, you need to log in to LIFE website with your TLU account.
In the spring semester of 2024/2025 the projects will be published on LIFE website on January 20th. The registration for LIFE projects will start the week after that, i.e. on January 27th.
Joining a project
LIFE project registration takes place in two phases:
1. First phase of registration - submitting a motivation letter
A student has an opportunity to submit one motivation letter on LIFE website for their favourite project (PS! The motivation letter has to be submitted on the website, the ones that are sent directly to supervisors will not be taken into account!). The submission of a motivation letter is not mandatory, but gives a greater opportunity to receive a place in the desired project. Project supervisors will determine the ranking based on the motivation letters received, and the students who got a place will be added to the project.
In the spring semester of 2024/2025 the submission of motivation letters will take place from January 27th - 30th.
Students, who sent their motivation letter, will be notified via TLU e-mail on February 5th the latest, whether their received a place in their desired project or not.
2. Second phase of registration - public joining
The second phase of registration takes place in a similar way to the previous semesters, i.e. students who did not want to submit a motivation letter or were not selected in the first stage can register for vacant spots on LIFE website.
In the spring semester of 2024/2025, the public joining period will take place from February 6th-10th.
Students in block mode study: When registering for projects, please note the approximate meeting times! For additional information about the meeting please contact the project supervisor. You must participate in the project on an equal footing with fellow members. If it is difficult to attend weekly meetings due to the specifics of the courses you are taking, you will need to reach an agreement with both the supervisor and other project members about your activities (e.g. instead of attending certain meetings, you will receive additional tasks in the form of independent work etc).
LIFE course in your study plan
Students taking the LIFE course do not have to add it to their study plan in ÕIS. After the second phase of the registration is finished, the data will be automatically forwarded to ÕIS, i.e. the course YID6001.YM LIFE - Learning in Interdisciplinary Focused Environment will be added to the study plans of students taking the course. Be sure to check your study plan a week after its submission deadline.
When the project lasts for two semesters, the LIFE course together with the ECTS credits will be added to the study plan at the end of the second semester.
Taking LIFE course on the last semester
We recommend not leaving the course for the last semester of studies, because it requires a large contribution from the student. If it happens that the LIFE course is still left on the last semester, we recommend contacting the LIFE coordinators (elu@tlu.ee) to make sure that there are no obstacles regarding the graduation. Please also inform your project supervisor, if you are planning to graduate at the end of the semester.