Unifying Through Language

The project is inspired by the necessity to create an approachable way for language learners to discover museums. Language opens up the path to seek out more about culture, culture, on the other hand, inspires and motivates the language learner. Museums help understand culture and history better and can create a platform for many people from different backgrounds to share a sense of belonging and community. At the moment, most museums don't have a specific way to support language acquisition: you're either able to read and listen on the same level as the mother tongue speaker, or you're destined to use translated materials. We are in a position to change that.

The aim of the project

The great ideal is to help with societal cohesion. Making culture more accessible and approachable is the safest and most fun way to do that. The ones participating in the project will find out more about what goes into creating language support, how museum education works and what options are feasible in the world of informal learning.

Project members

Crossmedia (1)
Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies (2)
Asian studies (1)
Translation (2)
Russian Philology (1)
European Modern Languages and Cultures (1)
Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies (1)
Anthropology (1)
Law (1)
Special Education (1)
Early Childhood Education (1)
European Modern Languages and Cultures (3)
Communication Management (1)
Audiovisual media (1)

Project materials