Student Podcast Spring 2024

Students Conceptualize, Create, and Promote Podcast Episodes - Part of an Ongoing Series

The aim of the project

The creation and dissemination of a podcast – focused on research, ideas, and activities that are important to current and prospective members of the TLU community, and other potential interested audiences. Over the course of the semester, the teams will create 1 episode on topic chosen by themselves, relying on the expertise present within the group and TLU at large.

Students will develop skills in research, academic writing, audio production, multi-media software, script writing, marketing, and team-based learning plus project management. 

#podcast #multimedia #creation #audiovisuaalmeedia

Group members

International Relations (1)
European Modern Languages and Cultures (2)
Management of Information Technology (1)
Education (1)
Group 1

Group members

Digital Learning Games (1)
Translation (1)
Asian studies (1)
Contemporary Media (1)
Eripedagoog-nõustaja (2)

Group members

Psychology (1)
Digital Learning Games (1)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (1)
Contemporary Culture (1)
Estonian Studies (1)
Human-Computer Interaction (1)
Politics and Governance (1)
Group 3