Cultural Connections: Mapping Networks of International Students in Estonia

This project investigates the ways international students in Estonia form communities and share their cultures. Students will explore the channels and online platforms used for cultural connections, offering insights into the dynamics of these networks. This project provides an opportunity for students to examine the experiences of international students in Estonia, with the flexibility to choose between surveying or conducting short interviews as part of their exploration. It also includes a video-making component where students present a discovered community, capturing its online and offline activities.

The aim of the project

This project aims to investigate how international students from diverse cultural backgrounds find their communities. Students will develop skills in academic writing, research, and media analysis. Additionally, it contributes to a broader PhD project on the transformative effect of migrants on the host society, thereby linking the student-led exploration to a larger academic endeavor.

Group members

Human-Computer Interaction (1)
Digital Learning Games (1)
Social Entrepreneurship (1)
Human Rights in the Digital Society (2)
Visiting Student (1)
Group 1

Group materials

Final presentation- Cultural Connections.pptx (1.6 MB) Final Presentation