Synergy between interpreter and public official
Participants are instructed to produce 10-minutes videos of liaison (dialogue) interpreting scenarios in public settings (police, court, social, educational, medical settings, etc.). To meet students´ needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness they are encouraged to create their own interpreting situations (citizen-interpreter-public official) in various languages. The language of instruction is English.
The aim of the project
Besides providing knowledge about interpreting in public settings, this project promotes interlingual and intercultural understanding, autonomous learning, oral communication skills, teamwork and problem-solving.
Project general aim is to develop synergies between future public officials and interpreters to establish best practices in interpreter-mediated interviews with the following priorities:
1.Understanding the process of interpreter-mediated interviews in public settings (interpreter role, settings, ethical considerations).
2. Improving cooperation and understanding between future interpreters and public officials (students of various domains).
3. Creating educational materials (videos) with various interpreting situations.
Group members
Crossmedia (1)
Conference Interpreting (1)
Organizational Behavior (1)
Human Rights in the Digital Society (2)
Group 1
Group materials
LIFE project portfolio.docx.pdf (445.8 KB)
Group members
Asian studies (1)
Conference Interpreting (2)
Politics and Governance (1)
Social Work (1)
Group 2
Group materials
Group 2 LIFE project portfolio.docx.pdf (352.72 KB)
Group members
Law (2)
Conference Interpreting (1)
Government and Administration (1)
Group 3
Group materials
PROJECT PORTFOLIO_Group3.pdf (2.49 MB)