Social Media Potential for Building Meaningful Connections

How to create meaningful connections and find true friends online? Which social media features and platforms enable meaningful connections, which doesn't? What are the elements that determine real connections and mutual liking?
This ELU project aims to try to answer these questions to enable the visioning of a new age social media platform, that could solve these challenges.

The aim of the project

In the first stage: 

  • Interview good friends who met online (or on social media) and whose friendship started virtually.
  • As a result of the interviews, map out the various web and social media solutions that have worked to create new meaningful contacts.

In the second stage:

  • As a result of the previous mapping, develop different hypotheses and solutions that could be tested through a survey.
  • Prepare a draft of the online survey to test different hypotheses to find out the best elements for making meaningful contacts.
##sotsiaalmeedia #sotsiaalne kommunikatsioon #veebipõhine platvorm #nutilahendused #sotsiaalsuhted

Project members

Computer Science (1)
Well-Being and Health Behaviour (1)
Liberal Arts in Social Sciences (1)
Psychology (1)
Human-Computer Interaction (1)
European Modern Languages and Cultures (1)
Human Rights in the Digital Society (1)
Law (1)
Adult Education (1)
Estonian Studies (1)
Recreation Management (1)
Liberal Arts in Humanities (1)